Thursday, May 28, 2020

An Adventure with Words

Writing; a story, but also an adventure. An adventure with words, yes, but an adventure nonetheless. This week in Room 9, we have been writing narratives. We began with using a story arc plan. In this plan there is a conflict, three rising actions, a  falling action, and finally the resolution, which ties everything together.

After we had planned out how our narrative would go, we wrote our draft in our Literacy book. This was probably the longest stage of narrative writing, and many are still working on finishing their draft.

Then, we went through the editing stage, where we had to read through our story, sentence by sentence, correcting any mistakes and making improvements to our writing. It was a long stage, but well worth it.

Finally, we published our stories on computers, or by hand, this took quite a while, but produced a result that everyone was proud of.

By Emma E. and Aster

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